We can remove complex skin cancer lesions and reconstruct the affected area afterwards.


Skin cancer removal that maximally maintains form and function

Unfortunately, skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. Because of our climate, it is a significant problem for many Australians and, in particular, Queenslanders. If not properly treated, these cancers can spread and become life threatening.

Dr Yang has extensive experience in treating skin cancers. These range from the more common types such as basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), through to melanoma. Being part of the Melanoma Unit at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, he has additional expertise in treating this type of cancer. He is also able to manage cancerous lymph nodes, if it is clinically appropriate.

After personally assessing your situation, Dr Yang will be able to discuss what your best treatment options are. Especially in cosmetically and functionally sensitive areas of the body, having aesthetically pleasing reconstructions can be just as important as properly treating the cancer. Dr Yang’s expertise and experience in the field ensures that skin cancers are treated carefully and meticulously, minimising the risk of potential scarring.

Dr Yang will advise you as to whether it is appropriate to manage your skin cancer under a local anaesthetic or if a surgical procedure is required in hospital.

What are signs of skin cancer on face?

Moles on the face are very common and many are harmless. However, they can sometimes be hard to tell apart from early skin cancer, especially if they are small and have not developed any obvious skin cancer features yet.

The appearance of skin cancer on the face will vary depending on the type of skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancer:

  1. Basal cell skin cancer (BCC): This is the most common type of skin cancer. They often begin as a small flat pink discoloration on the skin that may appear quite innocent.
  2. Squamous cell skin cancer (SCC): This type of cancer usually occurs in people with long-term sun exposure and often develops from rough, precancerous sunspots.
  3. Melanoma: This skin cancer is known for its potential to spread. Some people associate this cancer with black and irregular edges. Symptoms of melanoma may only occur in late stage Melanoma – early forms can look quite different!

What about skin cancer on nose and skin cancer on the ear?

Non-melanoma skin cancer may appear as a firm red nodule, a scaly growth that bleeds or develops a crust, or a sore that doesn’t heal. It most often occurs on the nose, forehead, ears, lower lip, hands, and other sun-exposed areas of the body.

Skin cancer of the face, nose and ears are the most commonly reported cases for skin cancer removal in a cosmetic and functional manner.

Skin Cancer Removal Brisbane

If you have any questions regarding our procedures or would like to book a consultation with Dr Yang, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Get in touch with
Dr Samuel Yang

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