With our procedures, you can achieve a desired look or improve certain functions of your facial features.


Surgical Face Procedures: we prioritise facial harmony and beauty

Our face is often the first thing people notice when they see us and it is one of the most important parts of our identity outwards. Throughout history, facial harmony, proportion and symmetry have been considered the most important aspects of facial beauty. It is also where we showcase all our emotions and has long been felt to be the personification of our personality.

Whether you’re considering facial plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles or to correct an aspect you are unhappy with, Dr Yang utilises a variety of surgical facial procedures to help you achieve your desired look and function.

These surgical face procedures include:

The first step is to book a first consultation with Dr Yang. This way, the two of you can discuss your current situation, determine the most appropriate procedure for you, and how to move forward.

Surgical face procedures in Brisbane by Dr Yang

If you have any questions regarding our procedures or would like to book a consultation with Dr Yang, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Get in touch with
Dr Samuel Yang

Let's talk, book your consultation